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When is the best time to buy a car?

Buying a new car can be the best experience of your life or the worst. The buying process has become very complicated in recent times. The increasing technological and mechanical supply, together with the delays caused by the semiconductor crisis that has been sweeping the industry since 2021, have caused delivery times to expand. However, according to popular theory, there are months when we won’t have to wait long and we can even save a few euros. Do you want to know when is the best time to buy a car? Well, we give you all the secrets you need.

Buying a car at the end of the year

It is not a popular legend or anything like that, it is a reality that is repeated year after year. At the end of each course, dealers must meet a number of sales objectives. If they have not reached their commercial share, they buy the cars themselves in order to show a positive balance to the brand and thus be able to take advantage of the multiple bonuses offered by suppliers or companies responsible for financing cars.

The fact that the dealer has a lot of accumulated cars is not beneficial to them either, since those new cars in stock must be given a quick start. That’s when we can take advantage of the weakness of dealers to achieve or exceed sales targets. The well-known automatic registrations go on sale with interesting discounts and, what is almost better, with no waiting time for customers. Who most or who least suffers from the same problem at the end of the year, so it is an operation repeated by most concessions.

This same situation, although to a lesser extent, occurs at the close of each financial period, that is, at the close of each quarter: March, June, September and December. The strongest periods occur at the confluence of quarterly and biannual closures, June and December, with the particular condition that in December the accounts must be adjusted compulsorily, while in June there are still six months left to improve the figures.

Closures for the month at dealerships

Although major closures take place at the end of the year and semester, every month dealers must meet sales objectives, both individually and individually for each seller. Before the end of the month, just a few days before, the concessions already know if they will be able to reach the sales quota. If it has already been exceeded or is close to being exceeded, there will be no benefit for customers, but if it is still necessary to sign a few transactions, we can take advantage of the need to comply with the figures, although nothing is guaranteed.

Late in the day

Shortly before closing, it’s also a good time to approach a dealership to “flirt” with salespeople. A good salesperson knows that it’s better to close a hot deal than for the customer to go home and reflect on it with his pillow. For this reason, the last hours of the day or week may be a crucial time for the trader to be somewhat more flexible in profit margins, making some additional discount with the intention of closing the trade. Both sides win.

Special offers on new cars from late summer to October

Summer is often used by many manufacturers as the ideal time to renew or upgrade the fleet. From time to time, cars are updated. More equipment, a small facelift, new engines or small added details. In this way, brands are able to keep a car up to date and up to date with new market trends. Every 5 or 7 years, a completely new generation is released, which in this case includes much more drastic structural or body changes.

Every time a new model comes out, or an existing one is updated, dealers suffer during the period of time when two versions of the same model overlap. It is just at that moment when we can go to our sales representative with the intention of receiving a significant discount for products that have already been discontinued. It’s important to be aware of upcoming brand releases in order to see the best time for offers. You can get real bargains with significant discounts, for example on Renault Single Days and Dacia Single Days.

Carwow days: special sustainable mobility

Every September, carwow organizes the Carwow Days, where we make special car offers available to everyone in the world for a limited time. This year, coinciding with Sustainable Mobility Week, we have compiled a list of the best offers for electric and hybrid cars with delivery times before the end of the year. The campaign seeks to promote sustainable mobility with this new initiative that you can enjoy between September 15 and 22.

Black Friday for cars and special offers for November
November has been a very intense commercial month since we imported the custom of celebrating Black Friday, then Cyber Monday and how many definitions we want to give to dates that are simply interesting for buying a new car because brands carry out very particular campaigns, such as Hyundai Black Week. Every year we make a selection of the best deals for these dates, which are listed on the carwow Black Friday page. Here come the instructions on how to set up a car for the campaign and a selection of particularly “sweet tooth” models.

Aid plans when buying cars during closed dates or until the end of the budget

Manufacturers launch offers or discount periods with the intention of attracting customers. Weeks of sales from time to time encourage sales, although the price is not always as convenient as they say, forcing the buyer to adhere to certain requirements for models, equipment, engines or financing. Always check the offer and compare it with other dealers. Waiting for these specific times of year often pays off, but keep in mind that offers may be committed to a limited number of transactions or specific dates.

At this point, the Government and various local and regional organizations are launching campaigns for the renewal of the car fleet, one of the oldest in the entire European territory. Significant tax breaks and drastic price reductions are offered for the purchase of certain vehicles, mainly environmentally sustainable cars. The conditions and quantities may vary depending on whether we are talking about the MOVES Plan for electric car assistance or a generic Help Plan. Stay tuned because in that case prices can drop a lot.

Km 0 car offers all year round

It is called that a car is km 0 when it is registered and has very few kilometers in its private account, some of them have barely run. The majority of Km 0 cars come from so-called dealer registrations. They are offered to customers at an interesting discount compared to the list price of a new car, between 3,000 and 5,000 euros depending on the model and the age of the car. They are an excellent option to save us a few euros on the purchase bill, although the problem is that there is no possible margin for customizing the color, tires or equipment.

Year-round second-hand car deals

The second-hand or second-hand channel is its own figure, although it is also affected by the particular circumstances of the new car channel. With the semiconductor crisis, the prices of second-hand cars have skyrocketed. Dealers are unable to meet delivery deadlines, delaying the process up to 8 months. Faced with this situation, accessing a second-hand car has been expensive, although it has the advantage that you won’t have to wait.

There is one more option that we haven’t given you until now and that is the best of all. At carwow we offer the best deals on new cars all year round. More and more drivers are buying their cars online, a convenient and reliable way to get the best prices on the market.